Friday, February 4, 2011

OCAL CSS overhaul

List of things I've done in the css overhaul
  • changed a more than a few #px to #em
  • Updated the logo h1 css to have css applied to the logo,
  • removed h1 tag from generic css inheritance. This and the above now frees up h1 tags to be used throughout the site in a way that we can use it properly. That is, structural hierarchy and logical text placement. No more needing to guess or use text tags incorrectly with ugly styling.
  • Modified the mainnav buttons to be using em not px
  • Created a Developer Working widget, so that devs can flick it on or off to notify users that things are happening live on the site.
  • added a bullets class for uls. I originally removed the ul from css inheritance to make all ul's go back to with bullet points, but there are so many ul in use, it will take less time just to classify each ul as a bullet or not. I'm not quite sure how this will work out, or which way is easier, but I'll go with this for now.
  • adding comments to the css. It's hard to find things when you didn't originally work on the css. I'm going through and finding out what each css does, then adding comments so that other devs can see at a glance and not have to do this stupid discovery journy that I have to. I mean, I like discovering things, but I view it as unecessary time use on RE-discovering something that shouldn't have been covered up in the first place. Devs! Document your work! You don't know who is coming after you.
  • removed letter-spacing from h2
  • changed h2 font-size from 16px to 2em
  • Actually I removed a lot from h2. removed padding 0 23px 0 0, changed font-weight to bold,
  • added more stuff to the stylesheet-display. More examples on what is available to use and what they will look like with just default tags or applied classes.
  • cleaned up a lot of whitespaces that make reading the code difficult.
  • Cleaned up some Activities css and HTML. Unecessary overcoding.

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